Sunday, July 14, 2013

Questions Often Encountered

As my departure day approaches I have been bragging more and more about my exchange year in Oman. These are some of the questions I usually get asked.

Why did you choose Oman?
I am interested in Middle Eastern culture, Islam, and Arabic. I applied for the YES Abroad scholarship which sends 65 United States high school students to ten countries with significant muslim populations. Of those countries Oman was my first choice, and the one I got!

Where is Oman?
Oman is in the Middle East, on the Arabian peninsula. It borders Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and the Arabian Sea.

Where will you be staying in Oman?
I will be staying in Muscat, the capitol of Oman. It is located on the northern coast of the country. The six other YES Abroad students as well as the NSLI-Y students will also be staying there.

Who will you be staying with?
I will be staying with a host family which is not yet determined.

Will you go to school? 
Yes. I will go to Azzin Bin Qais International school, along with four other YES Abroad students. ABQ school is mostly taught in English, though several classes are taught in Arabic.
What language do they speak in Oman?
Most people speak English and Arabic. Many schools are taught in English, some people also speak Swahili.

Will you be required to cover your hair?
Not most of the time. If I am visiting a mosque or the interior part of the country I will, but for everyday life and school my hair will be uncovered.

Can you drive in Oman?
This is a question I have been getting a lot. Many people know that Oman borders Saudi Arabia and they wonder if the same ban on women driving that Saudi Arabia has is in effect in Oman. It is not. Women are allowed to drive in Oman, however, YES Abroad students are not, due to program rules.

How long will you be there?
Roughly ten months, I will leave late August and get back mid June.

Are you nervous?
No? Maybe it's because it hasn't his me yet, but I'm not particularly nervous. The realization that I will be spending ten months in a different country will probably happen on the plane, much to the misfortune of my fellow traveling companions.

What will you do if, for whatever reason, you can't go?
Curl up into a ball and cry for ten months.

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